The Tsar’s Puppet

Regal Tsar holding a harlequin puppet

Project Red Dragon: a daring White House coordinated coup attempt to destroy democracy in America, dissolve the U.S. Congress, and install the recently defeated president, the Bad King, as a puppet dictator under the control of Russia’s Tsar Peter. The plan is thwarted by a courageous, crusading journalist Rosario (Rosie) Brown, and Billy Tidewater, a Louisiana crab and lobster fisherman, former Army Ranger, and clandestine CIA operative. Under the auspices of CIA Counter-Intelligence Director, Shane MacGregor, an audacious counter coup plan is orchestrated and put into action to assassinate the Russian president and his puppet, would-be American dictator.

Read Jerry Anderson’s new novel The Tsar’s Puppet with this online early edition. Beginning chapters are open for all to read, then Subscribe for Free to view the entire book.

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